Tales of the Alaska State Troopers
eBook - ePub

Tales of the Alaska State Troopers

Stories of Courage, Survival, and Honor from the Last Frontier

Peter B. Mathiesen

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  1. 176 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Tales of the Alaska State Troopers

Stories of Courage, Survival, and Honor from the Last Frontier

Peter B. Mathiesen

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Über dieses Buch

With the elements against them, the state troopers of Alaska face every day with a fight for their lives. In the state of Alaska, anything goes. For the state troopers, an average day can include blizzard conditions, midnight sunsets, and subzero temperatures. Tales of the Alaska State Troopers gives insight to just how the brave men and women of the law combat these conditions while still upholding their duties to the fine people of Alaska.Follow trooper Dan Valentine as he finds himself in the midst of a crisis when an abandoned truck holds more than just an old blanket on the passenger seat. Dan's responsibility for the town of Trapper Creek becomes a fight for survival when he realizes the truck has enough explosives in it to make a small dent in the Alaska Range. With his fellow lawmen, Valentine not only must handle the situation, but he must also make sure that the citizens of Trapper Creek are evacuated from harm's way. Tales of the Alaska State Troopers is rich in content and action. Anyone familiar with the life of a lawman or the state of Alaska will be fascinated with the way Mathiesen delivers his narrative. It's all in a day's work for troopers like Dan Valentine, who never know what a new day can bring.

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Adams, Andy, 6872
Adams, John (“Pepper”), 17, 6166
Agnew, Mark, 7480
Air National Guard (ANG), 36, 37, 124125
airplanes, 2324
Alaska Bureau of Highway Patrol, 5
Alaska Bureau of Investigation, 45
Alaska Fish and Game, 34
Alaska Highway Patrol, 4
The Alaska Law Enforcement Museum, 5
Alaska Mountain Rescue Group, 125
Alaska National Guard, 83
Alaska Railroad, 10, 15, 115, 116
Alaska State Police, 4
Alaska State Troopers
first video-taped interrogation, 110111
history of, 34
introduction, 12
service components, 45
Alaska Territorial Police, 4
Alaska Wildlife Troopers, 93
Alaskan Housing Authority, 101
AMC Eagle. see The Trapper Creek AMC Eagle
ANCSA (Native Claims Settlement Act), 133
Anderson, Tom, 110111, 114
Andrews, Ryan, 131
Arctic Entry, 133
Arnold, Clarence, 102, 105106, 109, 111, 112
arsenious oxide, 58
Athabaskan, 133
Babcock, Jeff, 9397
Barrow Lagoon Rescue, 8386
bear mauling, in Denali State Park, 2734
bear spray, 3334, 6263
Bear Spray Pranks, 6166
Beating the Odds, 3540
Big Miracle, 83
Bittick, Robert Lee, 129130
Bivins, Ule “Dean,” 110111
boat towing story, 9397
boating distress signal, 94
Boatright, Bob, 100, 101108, 110, 114
Bohuslov, Leroy Garvin, 127128
borough, 133
The Boys from New Jersey, or Home Alone in Skwentna, 6782
arrival of backup, and air transport of suspects to prison, 7981
Buzz, interview with, 7273
cabin investigations, 6971
contact with suspects made, 7576
evidence logged, and damage assessed, 81
illness complaints, encouraged by trooper, 7...
