Transforming Early Childhood in England
eBook - ePub
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Transforming Early Childhood in England

Towards a Democratic Education

Claire Cameron, Peter Moss, Claire Cameron, Peter Moss

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  1. English
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eBook - ePub
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Transforming Early Childhood in England

Towards a Democratic Education

Claire Cameron, Peter Moss, Claire Cameron, Peter Moss

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Über dieses Buch

Early childhood education and care has been a political priority in England since 1997, when government finally turned its attention to this long-neglected area. Public funding has increased, policy initiatives have proliferated and at each general election political parties aim to outbid each other in their offer to families. Transforming Early Childhood in England: Towards a Democratic Education argues that, despite this attention, the system of early childhood services remains flawed and dysfunctional. National discourse is dominated by the cost and availability of childcare at the expense of holistic education, while a hotchpotch of fragmented provision staffed by a devalued workforce struggles with a culture of targets and measurement. With such deep-rooted problems, early childhood education and care in England is beyond minor improvements. In the context of austerity measures affecting many young families, transformative change is urgent.

Transforming Early Childhood in England offers a critical analysis of the current system and proposes change based on young children's universal right to education. The book calls for provision built on democratic principles, where all learning by all children is visible and recognised, educators are trusted and respected, and a calmer approach called 'slow pedagogy' replaces outcomes-driven targets. Combining criticism and hope, and drawing on inspiring research and examples from home and abroad, the book is essential reading for students, educators, practitioners, parents, academics and policymakers - anyone, in fact, who seeks to understand the policy problems for early childhood education and care in England, and see better prospects for the future.

Praise for Transforming Early Childhood in England

'Essential reading for anyone who works with children and families. And politicians should read it so they are aware that an alternative is possible and better.'
It's All About Stories

'A refreshing collection to read as it includes many suggestions for how we can move towards a transformed model of education in the sector. More fundamentally, texts such as this can potentially enhance the thinking of ECEC practitioners as well as those formulating policy shifts. The book is also reflective of some of the social, economic and political challenges that we now all encounter. In short, the volume is an excellent resource for students, practitioners and educators.'
Critical Social Policy

'A refreshing and timely book... incisive and gets to the heart of the matter, therefore anyone who is interested in the state of ECEC and the possibilities, given the political will, should read [it].'
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood

'Deep and well rounded perspectives are provided on the issues surrounding the need for change....There is a lot for both students and experienced practitioners to take from this detailed analysis of UK and international research. With the call for continuing review, experimentation and discussion, the authors open up the possibility that a more inclusive and democratic system of early childhood services can be created.'
Early Years Educator

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