Graduate Students' Research about Community Colleges
eBook - ePub

Graduate Students' Research about Community Colleges

A Guide for Publishing

Deborah L. Floyd, Cristobal Salinas Jr., Ethan C. Swingle, María-Jose Zeledón-Pérez, Sim Barhoum, Gianna Ramdin, Deborah L. Floyd, Cristobal Salinas Jr., Ethan C. Swingle, María-Jose Zeledón-Pérez, Sim Barhoum, Gianna Ramdin

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  1. 162 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Graduate Students' Research about Community Colleges

A Guide for Publishing

Deborah L. Floyd, Cristobal Salinas Jr., Ethan C. Swingle, María-Jose Zeledón-Pérez, Sim Barhoum, Gianna Ramdin, Deborah L. Floyd, Cristobal Salinas Jr., Ethan C. Swingle, María-Jose Zeledón-Pérez, Sim Barhoum, Gianna Ramdin

Angaben zum Buch

Über dieses Buch

This book brings together a collection of chapters with different research designs that explore the research, practice, and policies of community colleges.

The chapters in this book are the result of the graduate students and their faculty mentor's scholarly work, and a rigorous special issue's peer review process. Furthermore, this book offers recommendations on how to mentor graduate students, in the absence of research and mentorship on how to publish for graduate students and practitioner-scholars, as well as recognizing that graduate programs and professional associations are important on the socialization of practitioner-scholars.

Each book chapter addresses the implications for practice and future research, policy for community colleges, and recommendation for change indicated by the research results. Five broad research themes, higher education policy, leadership practices and roles, network community, student success, and technology, emerged from the empirical articles and critical reviews. A final chapter shares advice and lessons learned from the 30 authors and mentors.

With the exception of Chapter 14, the chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

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Note: Bold page numbers refer to tables; Italic page numbers refer to figures and page numbers followed by “n” denote endnotes.

Abbas, G. 19
Abelman, R. 113, 114
Abrica, E. 5
abstract liberalism 44
academic and career alignment 89
academic dishonesty behaviors 31, 38
academic transfer 9192
accounting business course 145
Achieving the Dream (2017) 1, 144
administrative sanctions see punitive sanctions
advice about publishing 152
affordability 9192
African American women in leadership 60
agreeableness 19
Aim & Scope 4
Allen, T.O. 120
Alletzhauser, H.L. 2
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 126, 133
Amherst system 138
assistive technology 131133
Astin, A. 143
Atoum, Y. 33
Author Services website 7, 8
Avery, C. 111
Avery College 111
Bailey, T. 121
Banks, G. C. 19
Bass, B.M. 23
Bateh, J. 19
Bedford, W. 33
behavioral descriptive interviewing 45
Bell, D. 46
Berger, J.B. 98, 100
Bicak, I. 5
bicultural socialization theory 61, 66
Blumenfeld, W. 70
Boga, I. 19
Bommer, W.H. 17
Bonilla-Silva, E. 44
boolean searches 112
Bostic, D. 137
Bourdieu, P. 86, 93
Bowen, G.A. 139
Brawer, F.B. 43
Brazelton, G.B. 72
Brazier, E. 33
Brown, A. 33
Brown, J. 5
Burgos, D. 34
Burns, J.M. 23
calm behaviors 33, 38
campus climate 99100
campus observations 62
Caple, R.B. 84
career advancement 60
career decision-making 87, 93
Carter, L. 114, 120
Case, C.J. 31
Cate, C.A. 98
Central Article Tracking System (CATS) 4, 10
checklist for authors 89
Chen, L. 33
Chennupati, K.R. 2
Ciez-Volz, K. 45, 46
Civil Rights Act of 1964 117
Civitas Learning 1
code of conduct 137138 see also student conduct
Cohen, A.M. 43
collectivist theory of leadership 16
College Promise 1
color-blind ideology: codified language/fit 45, 49; disrupting in search process 5052; diversity and 44, 48; Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) 43, ...
