Empowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot
eBook - ePub

Empowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot

Resa Gooding

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  1. 476 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Empowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot

Resa Gooding

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Über dieses Buch

Leverage HubSpot to reach your target audience with the right content and convert them into loyal customersKey Features• Explore a full software stack for marketing, sales, and customer services to grow your business• Understand how to organize, track, and build better relationships with leads and customers• Learn to prioritize and execute your marketing tasks in an efficient wayBook DescriptionEmpowering Marketing and Sales with HubSpot is your comprehensive solution to using HubSpot to achieve your business goals with a flexible and lean approach. With this book, you'll implement out-of-the-box solutions provided by HubSpot for sales and marketing professionals using all the tools needed to effectively manage your business campaigns, sales, and marketing automation processes.This book will take you through steps to ensure your investment in HubSpot pays off from Day 1. You'll learn how to set up HubSpot correctly and understand how to generate quick wins for your organization. Next, you will work with important HubSpot tools for SEO, social media, and ads. The book will also show you how to use HubSpot for conversational marketing and create a marketing funnel using HubSpot's lead capture and engagement tools. In addition to this, you will get to grips with building custom reports, dashboards, and notifications to stay on top of company marketing goals. Later, you will learn how to use HubSpot for inbound marketing and for every type of business, such as manufacturing, agriculture, and eCommerce.By the end of this HubSpot book, you will have the skills you need to be able to set up effective marketing campaigns and leverage the insights gleaned from sales efforts using just one platform.What you will learn• Explore essential steps involved in implementing HubSpot correctly• Build ideal marketing and sales campaigns for your organization• Manage your sales process and empower your sales teams using HubSpot• Get buy-in from your management and colleagues by setting up useful reports• Use Flywheel strategies to increase sales for your business• Apply the inbound methodology to scale your marketing• Re-engage your existing database using the HubSpot retargeting ads tool• Understand how to use HubSpot for any B2B industry in which you operateWho this book is forThis HubSpot marketing book is for sales and marketing professionals, business owners, and entrepreneurs who want to use HubSpot for scaling their sales and marketing activities. A basic understanding of key marketing terms is required to get started with this book.

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