Africa Through Structuration Theory
eBook - PDF

Africa Through Structuration Theory

Outline of the FS (Fear and Self-scrutiny) Methodology of Ubuntu

Elonga Mboyo

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  1. 236 Seiten
  2. English
  3. PDF
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - PDF

Africa Through Structuration Theory

Outline of the FS (Fear and Self-scrutiny) Methodology of Ubuntu

Elonga Mboyo

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Über dieses Buch

Despite all the talk about African Renaissance, much of the continent is plagued by poverty and instability. To break out of that cycle, the guardians of African heritage (the old independence freedom fighters turned political leaders and their successors) and much of Afrocentric literature rightly promotes African ideas and solutions for African problems. While the idea in itself is noble, the danger is for Africa to close itself off and ignore outside technical and intellectual innovations that it desperately needs to advance further. Africa through Structuration Theory - ntujoins the discourse by attempting to restore intellectual freedom and convincingly defends structuration theory not only as the way forward for Africa but also as a legitimately African concept. It is innovative, refreshing and deserves to be heard across the world and appreciated especially by African graduates, current and futureleaders of various African institutions or businesses, non-Africans who might hesitate to refer to such a theory when trying to understand and deal with African problems and the wider public who constitute the audience for this book. New in this edition: All chapters have been tightened up to make a clearer and more robust case. Chapter three, in particular, has been developed further in an attempt to demonstrate how Ubuntu is an African version of structuration theory. Overall, having both approached the subject from a rational perspective and presented Ubuntu in its preferred version, it became imperative to discuss the status/role of the African body in the expression of human agency and characterise different leadership practices in Africa that do not necessarily reflect the ideals of Ubuntu. Hence, Chapter 6: Body sociology and Africa and Chapter 7: The FS (fear and self-scrutiny) methodology of Ubuntu: a mapping of the field.

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