The Everything Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder
eBook - ePub

The Everything Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Professional, reassuring advice for coping with the disorder - at work, at home, and in your family

Cynthia Lechan Goodman, Barbara Leff

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  1. 304 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

The Everything Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Professional, reassuring advice for coping with the disorder - at work, at home, and in your family

Cynthia Lechan Goodman, Barbara Leff

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À propos de ce livre

Learn the ins and outs of Narcissistic Personality Disorder with this comprehensive, approachable guide. Narcissistic Personality Disorder, often mistaken for a too-big ego or inflated self-esteem, is in actuality a severe psychological condition that ruins marriages, social relationships, work environments, and the sufferer's own sense of self. Although perceived as self-confident and arrogant, narcissists are really victims of devastatingly low self-esteem and insecurity. The Everything Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a comprehensive resource for readers who need guidance, including information on:
-Identifying the symptoms in themselves and their loved ones
-Different types of narcissists
-Living with a narcissistic (one-way) relationship
-Treatment options and methods
-Preventing narcissism in children and young adults
-Recovering from a narcissistic relationship with a parent, spouse, or friendComplete with an exclusive section on the epidemic of "net narcissism" due to social media, The Everything Guide to Narcissistic Personality Disorder is the complete guide to a misunderstood disorder that impacts millions everyday.

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ABC News 20/20, xii
child abuse, 25, 48
coping with, 100–101, 221–24
domestic abuse, 100–101, 104, 178
emotional abuse, 13, 25, 36, 90, 96, 113
hotline for, 101
physical abuse, 14, 25, 48, 90, 96, 100–101, 123, 221
psychological abuse, 90, 96
sexual abuse, 25, 48, 90, 96
stopping, 221–24
substance abuse, 6–7, 81–82
verbal abuse, 14, 90, 96, 202–3, 207, 221
“Acquired situational narcissism,” 51–52
Adoration, 144–46
Ahsen, Akhter, 155
Aikido, 227–28
Alcohol abuse, 6–7, 81–82
Ali, Muhammad, 41
Alternative therapies, 63–64. See also Therapy
Ames, Daniel, 113
The Analysis of the Self, 137
Anchoring tool, 128–31
Anger, handling, 229–31
Antidepressants, 65
Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD), 28–30
Arguments, handling, 229–31
Aristotle, 270
Assertiveness, 220–24
Attitudinal Healing, 73–74
Authenticity, 158–60
Autonomy, loss of, 192
Behaviors. See also Narcissistic Personality Disorder
help with, 18–19, 95–104
minimizing, 53–54
spotting, 13–16, 34–36
understanding, 11–21
Bioenergetic analysis therapy, 239–40
Blame, 9, 15–16, 30, 98–99, 119–20, 157
Body image, 5, 8, 48–49, 54, 62, 237
Borderline personality disorder (BPD), 26–30
Bosses, 109–10, 211–13
Boundaries, enforcing, 156–57, 268–69
Breakthroughs, 238–41
Brown, Brené, 158
Buddhism, 71, 78–79, 107–8, 114
Bullying, 4, 171–75, 208, 210, 226
Cannavo, Frank, 115
Carlson, Jon, 75
Causes of NPD, 12–13, 45–54
Celebrities, 39–41
Cell phones, 166–67
Changes in relationships. See also Relationships
boundaries and, 156–57
goals and, 157–58
healing and, 238–41, 257–58
limitations and, 155–56
perfectionism and, 158–60
pitfalls and, 152–56
positive thinking and, 160–62
reality and, 150–52
Chang, Maria Hsia, 79
Child abuse, 25, 48. See also Abuse
Children. See also Parents/parenting
body image and, 48–49
bragging on, 14
effects on, 88–90, 190–94
emotional development of, 48–50
encouraging, 53–54
mirroring and, 49–50
neglecting, 50–51
NPD and, 198–202
pampering, 50–51
self-esteem in, 51–52
vulnerability of, 50
Chopra, Deepak, 41
Cluster B disorders, 24–25, 29–31
Codependency, 184–88
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), 61–63, 93
Commitment, 252–54, 267–68
Communication strategies, 217–21
Compassion, 114–15, 255
Complications, 81–83
Concerns, expressing, 179–80
“Control freaks,” 235
Control, power of, 221
Controversies about NPD, 233–45
Coping with NPD. See also Help with NPD
anchoring tool, 128–31
family issues, 119–28
ground rules for, 122–23
realistic expectations, 127–28
relationship issues, 117–28
techniques for, 117–31
tips for, 67–82, 95–104, 177–88
understanding pasts, 124–25
venting, 121–22
Counseling, 19, 75, 98–103, 121–27, 187–88. See also Therapy
Coworkers, 108–9, 209–11
Cruise, Tom, 41
Cultural considerations, 138–40
Cultural trends, 36–37
Current Psychology, 39
Cyberbullying, 171–75
Davis, Roger, 2
Defense mechanisms
denial, 86–87, 98
primitive defense mechanisms, 86–87
primitive idealization, 87
splitting, 86–88
Defensive strategies, 236
“Delusions of grandeur,” 234
codependency and, 185
as defense mechanism, 86–87, 98
of feeling, 50, 198–99, 240
of reality, 48, 109
adoration and, 144–46
handling, 141–44
narcissistic supply and, 146–47
unfulfilled needs and, 144
The Devil Wears Prada, 212
Diagnosis, 19–21, 37–38, 91–92, 243–45
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 2, 3, 20, 35, 243–45
Dialectical behavior therapy (...

Table des matiĂšres