Cognitive Load Theory
eBook - ePub

Cognitive Load Theory

A Special Issue of educational Psychologist

Fred Paas, Alexander Renkl, John Sweller, Fred Paas, Alexander Renkl, John Sweller

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  1. 80 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

Cognitive Load Theory

A Special Issue of educational Psychologist

Fred Paas, Alexander Renkl, John Sweller, Fred Paas, Alexander Renkl, John Sweller

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

The papers of this special issue demonstrate that cognitive load theory provides the framework for investigations into cognitive processes and instructional design. The genesis of Cognitive Load Theory emerged from an international symposium organized at the bi-annual conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction in 2001 in Fribourg, Switzerland. Most of the papers are based on contributions to that symposium and discuss the most recent work carried out within the cognitive load framework. As a whole, this issue is demonstrating that cognitive load theory is continuing its role of using cognitive psychology principles to generate novel instructional design procedures.

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List of Reviewers for Volume 38, Number 1

The following list of individuals served as reviewers for this special issue on “Cognitive Load Theory.” The editors and guest editors thank these reviewers for their conscientious service to the journal.
Patricia Alexander Barry Gholson
Maria Bannert Friedrich W. Hesse
Roger Bruning Helmut M. Niegemann
Richard Catrambone W. Michael Reed
Graham Cooper Remy Rikers
Erik De Corte Wolfgang Schnotz
Sanne Dijkstra J. Michael Spector

Author Index to Volume 37

  1. Barab, Sasha A.
    1. Smart People or Smart Contexts? Cognition, Ability, and Talent Development in an Age of Situated Approaches to Knowing and Learning 165
  2. Becker, Bronwyn
    1. Social-Emotional Factors Affecting Achievement Outcomes Among Disadvantaged Students: Closing the Achievement Gap 197
  3. Bettencourt, Ann. See Valentine, Jeffrey C.
  4. Butler, Deborah L.
    1. Qualitative Approaches to Investigating Self-Regulated Learning: Contributions and Challenges 59
  5. Cooper, Harris, B. See Valentine, Jeffrey C.
  6. De Groot, Elisabeth Vialpando
    1. Learning Through Interviewing: Students and Teachers Talk About Learning and Schooling 41
  7. Deithloff, Leta F. See Reed, Joylynn H.
  8. Demarrais, Kathleen
    1. What Happens When Researchers Inquire Into Difficult Emotions?: Reflections on Studying Women’s Anger Through Qualitative Interviews 115
  9. Decuir, Jessica, T. See Schutz, Paul A.
  10. Dubois, David L. See Valentine, Jeffrey C.
  11. Goetz, Thomas. See Pekrun, Reinhard Hareli, Shlomo
    1. Social Emotions and Personality Inferences: A Scaffold for a New Direction in the Study of Achievement Motivation 183
  12. Henson, Robin K.
    1. From Adolescent Angst to Adulthood: Substantive Implications and Measurement Dilemmas in the Development of Teacher Efficacy Research 137
  13. Husman, Jenefer. See Turner, Jeannine E.
  14. Lanehart, Sonja L. See Schutz, Paul A.
  15. Linnenbrink, Elizabeth A.
    1. Achievement Goal Theory and Affect: An Asymmetrical Bidirectional Model 69
  16. Luthar, Suniya S. See Becker, Bronwyn
  17. Matthews, Gerald. See Zeidner, Moshe
  18. Mercer, Louise K. See Perry, Nancy E.
  19. Meyer, Debra K.
    1. Using Instructional Discourse Analysis to Study the Scaffolding of Student Self-Regulation I 7
  20. Meyer, Debra K.
    1. Discovering Emotion in Classroom Motivation Research 107
  21. Middleton, Michael J. See Patrick, Helen
  22. Nordby, Carla J. See Perry, Nancy E.
  23. Patrick, Helen
    1. Turning the Kaleidoscope: What We See When Self-Regulated Lea...

Table des matiĂšres