Beyond the Symbiotic Orbit
eBook - ePub

Beyond the Symbiotic Orbit

Advances in Separation-Individuation Theory: Essays in Honor of Selma Kramer, MD

Salman Akhtar, Henri Parens, Salman Akhtar, Henri Parens

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Beyond the Symbiotic Orbit

Advances in Separation-Individuation Theory: Essays in Honor of Selma Kramer, MD

Salman Akhtar, Henri Parens, Salman Akhtar, Henri Parens

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Aperçu du livre
Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

In this tribute to Selma Kramer, eminent child analyst and colleague and close friend of the late Margaret Mahler, senior analysts explore the continuing relevance of Mahler's separation-individuation theory to developmental and clinical issues. Editors Salman Akhtar and Henri Parens have grouped the original contributions to Beyond the Symbiotic Orbit into sections that reevaluate Mahler's theory.

Section I is a timely reassessment of Mahler's working model from the standpoint of contemporary clinical and research findings. It includes comparisons of Mahler with Winnicott and Kohut, and commentaries on the status of separation-individuation theory in relation to psychosexual theory, early ego development, and observational infancy research. Section II addresses the contribution of separation-individuation theory to our understanding of pathogenesis. Neurosis, severe character pathology, psychosomatic phenomena, eating disorders, and sexual perversions are among the topics of specific chapters. The final section explores the role of separation-individuation theory in the treatment of analysands of different ages and with different kinds of psychopathology; it also considers separation-individuation theory with respect to specific aspects of the treatment process, including reconstruction, transference, and termination.

A fresh reappraisal of a major perspective on early development, Beyond the Symbiotic Orbit is a fitting testimonial to Selma Kramer, who has played so important a role in elaborating Mahler's theory. Following from Kramer's own example, the contributors show how separation-individuation theory, in its ability to accomodate ongoing clinical and research findings, is subject to continuing growth and refinement. They not only advance our understanding of Mahler's working model, but pursue the implications of this model in new directions, underscoring the many areas of exploration that separation-individuation theory opens to us.

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Subject Index


Absence, 394
Abstract symbolization, 253
Academic developmental psychology, relationship to psychoanalysis, 121–122, See also Contemporary infant research
Active ego directed action, 313
Activity, infant, 138
Adaptation, Mahler’s study on, 45, 130
Adaptive child-mother interaction, 10, 15
Addictive disorders, 296
Adherence, fetishlike, 47
Adolescence, 5, 17, 189–190, 205
Blos’s conceptualization of, 195–200
closing phase of, 200
development of character and, 202–206
developmental crisis of, 194
early literature on, 190–191
eating disorders in, 287
later conceptualizations of, 191–195
oedipal conflicts in, 217–218
phases of, Blos’s view, 196
termination of, 198
terminology related to, 200–202
Adolescence proper, 196
Adolescent, quality of, 192
Adolescent crisis, final, 202
Adolescent individuation, 202
borderline pathology, 263
neurotic illness, infantile neurosis and, 228
object relationships, 9
Adult analysis, reconstructive data from, 162–163
Adult Attachment Interview, 127, 130
Adulthood, stages of, 7
Affect, 124
change in, 140
cognitive aspect of, 108, 110
combination of, 110
contemporary concept of, 112–113
derived, 109
development of, 79, 110–112
Emde’s view, 131
felt aspect of, 109
Freud’s concept, 108
frightening, 255
integration of, 110
maturation of, 109–110
memory organization and, 111–112
modulated stage, 113
organization of, disorder of, 96
as organizer of experience, 139–140
primary object, 234
primitive, 109
regulation, 79
role in early psychological development, 230
subjective aspect of, 109
transformation of, 110
unconscious, 108
Affect attunement, 129
Affect expressions, 140
Affect-laden issues, discussion of, familial avoidance of, 296
Affect state
low-level, 111, 113
peak, 111, 113, 114
Affect system, during somatopsychological differentiation stage of ego development, 93–94
Affective (emotional) object constancy, establishment of, Mahler’s view, 41
Affective development, 110–...

Table des matiĂšres