Adoramus Divinus Deus
eBook - ePub

Adoramus Divinus Deus

Joseph Sener

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  1. 256 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

Adoramus Divinus Deus

Joseph Sener

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À propos de ce livre

This is the fourth book in a series by the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit. This scribe is privileged to continue carrying out the duties of His work as it appears. Thank you, Lord!

The main goal of these books is to establish and increase the "connective awareness" of humanity between science and religion in the world and invite the two to work together to unfold the mysteries of God and His creation so that in the final analysis, both will be able to help all of God's creation, especially the human race who lives in the middle of cosmic struggles between good and evil in these confusing times.

Today we are dominated by science and its innovations. But has science released humanity from the fundamental inclinations of religion, or rather has religion and religious influences predetermined the motivations of science? Do mathematical laws of science religiously underlie the explanation of the phenomenon that is observable fact or event? What is the purpose of religion? Is it only to teach the knowledge of God, but not science? It may be that experimental, scientific, religious philosophy could make us better-informed scientists and Christians.

The seventeenth-century Roman Catholic scientist and professor Fr. Galileo Galilei pointed out that the purpose of religion is to teach the knowledge of God. What did we accomplish with the separate teachings of religion and the study of science throughout the ages? Did they help each other during the last seven thousand years? Today, is there unity or an entanglement between them? Is God the source of all scientific and religious order in the world? Can science answer the questions of religion, or rather, can religion attempt to answer scientific questions? Do the Holy Scriptures and scientific inquiries provide all the answers to our questions? Is there a relationship between religion and science? Do religion and science complement each other, and if not, why is that?

The questions listed above are only some of them. No answers are yet being provided. What about the involvement of mind work to explain the relationship between faith and reason? Humanity likes to see science and religion united and working together to provide credible answers. After all, in the beginning, they were for the works of God on this earth and in the universe. The astonishing days of the Creator are approaching steadily, slowly, day by day. We long for answers with our conscious hearts so that we can gain presence with the Divine Light. It is presentation time!

The nineteenth-century Scottish Catholic scientist, the great physicist since Isaac Newton, a professor at the University of Cambridge, James Clark Maxwell, who wrote his first scientific paper at the age of fourteen and died at the early age of forty-eight, declared scientifically that the universe is continuously surged with electromagnetic waves. Their speed of travel is the same as the speed of light. His proven theoretical equations were revealed for the first time in the world and showed that electricity-magnetism-light is one and the same manifestation in the material universe. Upon his death, he was not buried in Westminster Abbey like Isaac Newton was, but he had not minded it at all, not even a bit! He said, "The works of the Lord are great! Sort out all of them that have pleasure therein."

Happy is the man who sees that science and religion are one and the same. According to the great scientist Max Planck, a man who does serious scientific work, knows that "over the doors of the Temple of Science you must have faith!"

Creator God is the source of all order in the universe. He is exact; look around and see. There is a field in and around the universe surrounding His creation. It is the heartfelt wish of this scribe that humanity shall see it one day and then never lose the investigative desires of their hearts and minds. "Faith" and "reason" of religion and science are one and the same in the eyes of God. They come from the same creative force of His. One day in the near future, they will be united and presented on earth as one. That is the way it is above, and so it will be the fact on earth below. This is the Divine Plan of the Divine Lawgiver, the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient God Almighty!

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Chapter 1
Listen to Me!
I gave you a home in this universe of mine called earth. There you will live until I call you back. Your temporary life on earth in matter is in waiting, day and night, one day at a time. What are you waiting for? That is a cold with hot and guilty space in the depths of your heart. What is that? Why is it there? Who put it there? It may be that you are born with it to this earth of mine. It is occupied by the lonely you, away from Me. There you will fight alone with your mind the cold and hot with the endless depths of your heart, until you rise from below to above to the warmth of My light up near Me. Only after that you may be granted your own ultimate freedom from this universe of Mine in matter and then join the angels of Mine in the eternal life with Me in eternity. If you suffer in the process, then remember that the suffering is a “gem”!
February 22, 2018
Chapter 2
The Chronological Gospel for the Birth of Christ
Jesus Christ (Yeshua), the Son of God the Father (Yehovah), fulfilled His Father’s mission on earth in a ministry of seventy (7 × 10) weeks. During this duration of 490 days (7 × 7 × 10), Yeshua was baptized in water (Jordan River) by John (Yochanan), and then he fulfilled His initial assignment from His Father God by baptizing His disciples with the Holy Spirit on the fiftieth day after His resurrection from death. His mission was completed at a time of the year to fulfill his mission that is Passover (Pesach). Sir Isaac Newton, one of the great scientists, spent the last years of his life trying in vain to decipher the prophecies of the Bible. He was not able to decipher scientifically the content of the many events described in the Bible. It is noticeable that Yeshua never attended Passovers despite the requirements of the Torah because He knew that He would be the Passover lamb at the end of His thirty-three years of life on earth.
The calendar is a man-made invention to keep track of time, a system for fixing the beginning, duration, and ending of an event in a definite order in days, weeks, months, or years. Conventional dates are used in the making of a calendar. Today the beginning and end of a year is defined in the Gregorian calendar introduced in AD 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a revision of the Julian calendar of the Romans.
Setting a common criterion for the measure of a quantity has been one of the most difficult issues, and the concept of time and its recording and presentation on a calendar is one of them.
The chart above shows the complexity of the correlation between calendars adapted and used at different times. The month of Abib (Aviv) is the first month in the ancient Jewish culture. The first month occurs after the barley (cereal grass) matures for harvesting. Abib is the first month in the biblical calendar. This is the ancient ecclesiastical Hebrew calendar that was in use at the time of Yeshua. The name of the month of Abib was changed to Nisan in the rabbinic calendar after the Pharisees (Prashim—the separated ones) changed it and renamed it in AD 359, when they remade their Jewish calendar based on mathematical astronomy. The original biblical calendar was based on observed astronomy combined with agricultural considerations of the land. It is also possible that the change might have been due to a desire to block the old truth and invent a new one. The changes made are in use today, although the changes made obscure the time of events at the time Jesus was alive, and this changes the chronology of the gospels, including the chronology of Jesus’s birth.
The scribe of this “fourth” book in the series studied and used the information provided by the great Jewish scholar rabbi Michael John Rood in his book titled The Chronological Gospels, the Acceptable Year of the Lord.2(1) I am indebted for his scholarly wisdom. May he be blessed abundantly!
The Son of God grew up in the village of Natzaret (Nazareth) in northern Israel. The name is from the root word Netzen. The descendants of King David established this village. Miriam (Mary), the daughter of Yoseph Ben Yakov of the bloodline of King David, through his son Solomon, and Miriam’s husband, Yoseph Ben Eli, of the bloodline of King David, through another son, Nathan. Both grew up in Natzaret among near and distant relatives and a few Levites.3(2)
The highlights of the introduction of the Messiah in the four gospels of the Bible are remarkably accurate. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, was introduced as the King (in Matthew), the servant (in Mark), the Son of Man (in Luke), and the Son of God (in John).
The go...

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