Greater America
eBook - ePub

Greater America

A New Partnership in the Americas in the 21st Century

L. Ronald Scheman

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  1. 307 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
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eBook - ePub

Greater America

A New Partnership in the Americas in the 21st Century

L. Ronald Scheman

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Table des matiĂšres

À propos de ce livre

Can democracy develop in Latin America without United States assistance? Why should the United States care? Why is Latin America relevant to U.S. economic growth in global competition? In Greater America: A New Partnership for the Americas in the 21st Century L. Ronald Scheman argues that our future lies not in Europe, Asia, or the Middle East but right here in our own backyard—the Western Hemisphere.

He shows how the political and cultural legacy of colonization, immigration, assimilation and pluralism binds North, Central and South America, and how the trends in market growth and resources make the Americas a rich prize in global trade. Despite the tendency of many northerners to underestimate our ties, we are closer to our southern cousins than to any other societies. That relationship will be increasingly stronger given the growing and irrepressible influence of Latino and Caribbean populations in the U.S. For Latin America, the linkage to the U.S. is essential for attracting investment and creating the jobs necessary to overcome its oppressive heritage of poverty and to provide opportunity for a young population that will increasingly expect a better standard of living. Most important, Greater America demonstrates how closer ties with Latin America will help build a stronger U.S. economy while reducing illegal immigration and drug trafficking. He argues that only a NATO-like coalition in the Americas will defeat the drug traffickers, and that a major program to build infrastructure is essential to make trade agreements work.

This book celebrates the contribution of the Americas as one of the more important factors in the spread of human freedom in the last half millennium. It makes the case for the unlimited potential of the Americas and shows how it can be unleashed through greater political and economic integration.

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NYU Press


Abrego, Juan GarcĂ­a, 152
Accountability, in government, 57, 62, 81, 118, 120
Acton, Lord John, 56
Adams, John, 30, 31
Adams, John Quincy, 31, 32, 50
ADR. See American depository receipts
Aetna, 264
Afghanistan, 53
Aging populations, 273
AIDS. See Health
AIG. See American International Group
Airbus, 234
Air conditioning, before (BAC), 45
duties on imported units, 87
effect on continent, 66
Alcatel, 223
AlemĂĄn, Arnoldo, 75
AlfonsĂ­n, RaĂșl, 74,
Algeier, Peter, 250
Allende, Salvador, 173
Alliance for Progress, 18, 28, 29, 39, 68, 70, 71, 76, 77, 98, 105, 113, 133, 134
creating government-controlled industries, 84
dismemberment, 78, 80
Alumina, 206
Amerada Hess, 202
American depository receipts, 260
American energy community, 212
American International Group (AIG), 160, 264
America Online, 173, 220, 221
Amoco, 202, 203
Andean region, GDP per capita, 128
Antigua and Barbuda, 190
AOL. See America Online
Archer-Daniels-Midland, 196
Argentina: Agua Rica mine, 206
Alumbrera mine, 206, 208
Bahia Blanca plant, 256
bank deposits, 113, 263
bank failures, 147
capital markets, 260
commitment to democracy, 63, 65
Cordoba, 124
currency overvaluation, 80
debt exposure in 1980s, 96
decentralizing power, 121–22
Domingo Sarmiento, 36
economic collapse, 19, 60, 178, 229, 266, 271, 276
effects of Mexican crisis, 112
effects of no common fiscal policy in Mercosur, 250
energy resources, 202
external financial shocks of 1990s, 112
failing economy, 115
Forbes Magazine’s wealthiest people, 171
forestry, 207
forming the Mercosur, 71
gas reserves, 202
government corruption, 149
groundwork for Mercosur, 249
import substitution, 83
in the 1950s, 149
intraregional trade, 195
iron and steel production, 207
landmass, 126
as a main economic market, 214
Malvinas-Falkland Islands, 202
Mothers of the Plaza Mayo, 117
Nahuelsat, 221
as a peaceful nation, 13
as a producer of uranium, cadmium, and lithium, 207
on the quality of teaching, 137
registering of Brazil Investment Fund on the Buenos Aires Stock ...

Table des matiĂšres