The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book
eBook - ePub

The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book

Everything You Need to Know to Put Your EQ to Work

Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves

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  1. 208 pages
  2. English
  3. ePUB (adapté aux mobiles)
  4. Disponible sur iOS et Android
eBook - ePub

The Emotional Intelligence Quick Book

Everything You Need to Know to Put Your EQ to Work

Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves

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À propos de ce livre

An accessible, how-to guide that brings focus to the unique skills that comprise emotional intelligence and incorporate these tools into your life. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE: THE #1 PREDICTOR OF PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS AND PERSONAL EXCELLENCEIn today's fast-paced world of competitive workplaces and chaotic personal lives, each of us is searching for effective tools that can make our schedules, behaviors, and relationships more manageable. The Emotional Intelligence Quickbook shows us how understanding and utilizing emotional intelligence can be the key to exceeding our goals and achieving our fullest potential.Authors Bradberry and Greaves use their years of experience as emotional intelligence researchers, consultants, and speakers to revitalize our current understanding of emotional intelligence. They have combined their latest research on emotional intelligence with a quick, easy-to-use format and cut-to-the-chase information to demonstrate how this other kind of "smart" helps us to decrease our stress, increase our productivity, understand our emotions as they happen, and interact positively with those around us. The Emotional Intelligence Quickbook brings this concept to light in a way that has not been done before -- making EQ practical and easy to apply in every aspect of our daily lives. The Quickbook will help you to: -Engage the four unique areas of EQ: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management
-Increase your EQ through the use of these skill-building techniques
-Apply your EQ at work to develop leadership skills and improve teamwork, making you a better manager and a more desirable employee
-Practice your EQ outside the office environment to benefit your relationships with loved ones, making you a better partner and parent
-Access the link between your EQ and your physical well-being to improve your overall health
-Measure your current EQ through access to the authors' bestselling online Emotional Intelligence Appraisal

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Atria Books


accountability, 70–71
American Heart Association, 51
American Psychological Association, 158
anger, 94, 95
anxiety, 48, 49, 50
arguments, 143–47
arrogance, discovery of, 92
assertiveness, 98
attention, 105–7
Badaracco, Joseph L., Jr., 120
Bartlett’s test of sphericity, 163
evaluation of, 59
irrational, 10
lasting change in, 85–87
and limbic system, 13
management of, 20, 29, 120
tendencies in, 96, 97–102
understanding, 27
Boisjoly, Roger, 125–27
Boyatzis, Richard, 21
coping with stress, 51
electric signals to, 10–11
limbic system of, 11, 12
mapping of, 51
plasticity of, 81–83
rational and emotional centers of, 12, 13
training, 85–87
wiring of, 11, 13
cancer, 49–51
careers, 113–24
Carrey, Jim, 148–50
Catell’s scree test, 163
Challenger, 125–27, 135–36
Charles, Ray, 90–91, 97, 101, 102
coaching through conflict, 152–55
Emotional Intelligence Appraisal for, 73–74
emotional intelligence of, 151–52
mood swings of, 152–53
passive resistance of, 154–55
cognitive intelligence (IQ), 24, 25, 26, 27
Columbia space shuttle, 135–36
clarifying questions, 107
and conflict, 121–24
emotions in, 108
getting your point across, 108–10
lack of, 122
managing interactions in, 32
pathway of, 11, 12
in self-management, 102
of tendencies, 98, 99
compromises, 144, 146
coaching through, 152–55
and communication, 121–24
interpersonal, 40, 121–22
quiet, 122
cooling-off period, 145
corporate culture, 40, 130–31
David (sta...

Table des matiĂšres