The Six-Day War
eBook - ePub

The Six-Day War

The Conflict that Re-Shaped the Middle East


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eBook - ePub

The Six-Day War

The Conflict that Re-Shaped the Middle East


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À propos de ce livre

Keen to learn but short on time? Get to grips with the events of the Six-Day War in next to no time with this concise guide. provides a clear and engaging analysis of the Six-Day War. In 1967, relations between the State of Israel and its neighbours, which had long been strained, became dangerously tense. In the ensuing military conflict, Egypt, Jordan and Syria were unable to defeat Israel, and the Israeli victory and territorial gains effectively redrew the map of the Middle East. In just 50 minutes you will:
‱Understand the political and social context of the Middle East prior to the conflict and the reasons for rising tensions in the region
‱Identify the leaders of the states involved in the war and their role in the conflict
‱Analyse the impact of the Israeli victory on the rest of the Middle East ABOUT 50MINUTES.COM | History & Culture
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  • CHARFI (Mohamed), “Du cĂŽtĂ© des Arabes : l’insupportable dĂ©faite”, in L’Histoire, n°321, July 2007, p. 50-52.
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  • GURGAND (Jean-NoĂ«l), “"Cette victoire, nous la devons Ă  nous seuls"” in L’Express, Paris, 12th June 1967.
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  • LE GAC (Daniel) and KAUFFMANN (Jean-Paul), Juifs et Arabes en Palestine, Paris, Le Centurion, 1975.
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  • SHIMONI (Yaacov), Biographical Dictionary of the Middle East, New York/Oxford/Sydney, Facts on File, 1991.
  • STEIN (Leslie), The Making of Modern Israel. 1948-1967, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2009.


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  • Arab revolt againts British occupation. Royalty-free reproduction picture.
  • Portrait of Gamal Abdel Nasser. Royalty-free reproduction picture.
  • Portrait of Levi Eshkol. Royalty-free reproduction picture.
  • Portrait of Moshe Dayan. Royalty-free reproduction picture.


  • La Guerre des Six Jours, television program by ActualitĂ©s françaises, France, 1967.
  • The collection of photographs by Gilles Caron, photojournalist who covered the Six-Day War by following the Israeli army.
  • Six Jours pour l’éternitĂ©, documentary by Yakov Hameiri and Tova Biran, Israel, 1969.
  • La Guerre des Six Jours, documentary by Ilan Ziv, in collaboration with Serge Gordey and Jon Kalina, Canada, France and Israel, 2007.


  • Ammunition Hill Memorial and Museum in Jerusalem, former stronghold of the Jordanian army base turned into a museum and memorial site of the Israeli capture of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War (Palestine).
  • The memorial of the 84th Division, which contributed to the Israeli victory over the Egyptian army in the land of Sinai, in the region of the Negev (Southern Israel).
  • The Army Museum in Damascus, which includes a room devoted to the weapons used during the Six-Day War (Syria).
  • Naksa Day (whi...

Table des matiĂšres