Strategic Customer Service
eBook - ePub

Strategic Customer Service

John Goodman

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eBook - ePub

Strategic Customer Service

John Goodman

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À propos de ce livre

Any organization can win more customers and increase sales if they learn to be more strategic with their customer service.

When customers complain, employees respond. The typical service model is riddled with holes. What about people and businesses who never speak up, but never come back? Learn to actively reach out, prevent problems, and resolve issues in ways that boost loyalty.

Strategic Customer Service is a data-packed roadmap that shows you how. This invaluable resource distills decades of research on the impact of great versus mediocre service. Complete guidelines and case studies explain how to:

  • Gather and analyze customer feedback
  • Empower employees to fix problems
  • Track your impact on revenue
  • Generate sensational word of mouth
  • Tap opportunities to cross-sell and up-sell

Strategic Customer Service draws on over 30 years of research from companies such as 3M, GE, and Chick-Fil-A to teach you how to transcend a good business into a profitable word-of-mouth machine that transforms the bottom line.

Why settle for passive service? Make a business case for ramping up operations—and get the tools for making it pay off. Transform customer service into a strategic function, and reap benefits far exceeding investments.

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AAA, 100
AARP, 151
A/B testing, 91
access objective, 55
measuring, 78
see also awareness function; intake function
accountability, 164
action planning, 184–185
Adams, Scott, 44
Aflac, 106, 216
aggressive customer service, 48
airline industry, 15, 42, 68–69, 90
Albert, Jim, 214, 217
Alexa, xiv
Amazon, viii, 4, 91
The Amazon Way, 160
ambiguity, in surveys, 175–176
American Association for Clinical Chemistry, 90, 209
American Express, 65, 130
Amtrak, 87–88
analysis process, 75
anecdotes, 171
ANI, see automated number identification
AOL, viii
appraisal process, 73–74, 201, 232–233
appropriately targeted actions, 40
apps, 217
artificial intelligence (AI), 199, 200, 213–214
assessment, 64–65
assistance, ease of finding, 79–80
Atari, viii
Audi, 197
authentication, customer, 64, 86–87
automated number identification (ANI), 36, 66, 198
automatic teller machines (ATMs), 144
automotive industry, 8, 83, 100, 141, 147, 197, 212
average answer speed, 106
awareness function, 57–61
B2B customers, see business-to-business customers
bad news, welcoming, 175–176
Bankers Financial Corporation, 217
baseline surveys, 172, 173
Bell, Chip, 68, 85–86, 88, 90
benchmarking, 173
best practices
with CE surveys, 185–191
for creating delight, 90–94
for customer engagement, 85–90
for VOC, 160–164
for working with retailers/outsourcers, 96–101, 106–108
biometrics, 213–214
Blair, Chris, 236–237
Blann, Jim, 65,...

Table des matiĂšres