The Promise of Memory
eBook - ePub

The Promise of Memory

Michael Weeder

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  1. 90 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

The Promise of Memory

Michael Weeder

Angaben zum Buch

Über dieses Buch

This selection of poems - covering the years from 1980 to the present day - expresses the poets personal attempts at making sense of the everyday, ordinary difficulties, and the small victories of life. The offering emphasises, sometimes in an exploratory suggestiveness, how differences should not be divisive and that they form part of the range of ways in which we belong to - and are of - each other.

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I know where me from
goema drum:
a hand-held drum made from a small wooden wine barrel of which one end is covered with the skin of an animal. It is popularly associated with the traditional New Year’s Carnival held in Cape Town.
We. Often used in place of ‘you and I’ or ‘we’ among Rastafari to indicate the oneness and unity of people
Wathint' Abafazi, Wathint' Imbokodo'
Xhosa: You strike the women, you strike the rock. These words are generally associated with the Women’s March to the Union Buildings on 9 August 1956 to protest against the pass laws under Apartheid.
Soldier of Tambo
tjalie buchu
colloquial Afrikaans word for swaddling blanket an aromatic plant indigenous to the Cape region, used for medicinal purposes. Botanical name: agathosma betulina
Morawiese kend
Moravian child; ‘ kend’ is a phonetic representation based on colloquial pronunciation of the Afrikaans word ‘kind’ meaning child
Groot Mense
Literally translated from Afrikaans it means ‘big people / adults.’ It is also used to refer to ‘elders’ which is the way that it is being used in this context.
praise dance. A form of worship that has its origins in the Pentecostal Churches of Southern Africa. It is no doubt influenced by the trance or healing dances of the indigenous San people.
Steve Bantu Biko said
One Love
O se boloke sechaba
save our nation (this is a line in the new South African anthem)
Padkos coloured by history
a dish made of samp with sugar beans, onions and potatoes
tripe and trotters
skuins lê
literally translated it means ‘to lie sideways’; used colloquially it means ‘to take a nap’
a hangover, taken from the Zulu word 'isibhabalazi'.
Islamic call to prayer
Arabic for blessing. Used customarily to refer to food or cakes given to guests to take home after a festive gathering.
Kifyaat kos
a basic meal of meat, carrots and peas served at the conclusion of a Muslim funeral
a sweet, milky drink served at Muslim prayer meetings following a funeral
The autumn of love
Ou ballie
slang for old man and in this context, it is used to suggest old-fashioned ...
