Restaurant Redefined
eBook - ePub

Restaurant Redefined

Saamia Bukhari

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eBook - ePub

Restaurant Redefined

Saamia Bukhari

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Über dieses Buch

Restaurant Redefined: Exploring Trends in the Restaurant Industry offers insight into the latest innovations gaining traction in the restaurant world today. With these insights, author Saamia Bukhari provides the building blocks for restaurants to compete in this ever-changing landscape.

Bukhari discusses the latest trends in the restaurant world through her personal experiences, research into the industry, and advice from experts.

You'll learn about key principles that drive restaurant innovation including:

  • How to use the billion dollar online food delivery industry to elevate a restaurant
  • Branding ideas that can help restaurants separate themselves from their competition
  • Sustainable practices to vary menus, increase transparency, and uplift communities

You will love this book if you are a fellow foodie looking to see the changes that could impact your dining experience in the years to come or are a restaurant owner interested in the progress of the industry.

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Feinberg, Andrew, Madhav Mullapudi, Michael Benore, and Oliver Page. “The Restaurant of the Future.” Deloitte, Deloitte Development LLC., 2016.
Labine-Romain, Adele, Dan Terrill, Jess Mizrahi, Xanthe Smith, and Rhiannon Yetsenga. “The Future of Food.” Deloitte, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 2019.
National Restaurant Association. “National Statistics.” Accessed June 1, 2020.
Obermeier, Kylie. “Nightlife: Yume Wo Katare.” BU Today, Boston University, February 11, 2016.
Parsa, H.G., John T. Self, David Njite, and Tiffany King. “Why Restaurants Fail.” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly 46, no. 3 (August 2005).
Ro, Herrine and Luke Hansen. “Why people wait for hours to eat at this tiny Boston ramen workshop.” Insider, Insider Inc., September 11, 2019.
Roth-Dishy, Amelia F.. “Community Ramen Hotspot Still the Stuff of Dreams.” The Harvard Crimson, October 30, 2018.
Shea, Andrea. “Porter Square Ramen Shop Wants To Make Your Dreams Come True.” WBUR, WBUR, July 16, 2014.
Sloan, A. Elizabeth. “It’s Time for Restaurant Realignment.” Food Technology Magazine 72, no. 10 (October 2018).
CHAPTER 1: Background
Harford, Tim. “How McDonald’s revolutionised business.” BBC, February 5, 2020.
Mealy, Lorri. “A History of the Restaurant.” The Balance Small Business, Dotdash, December 13, 2018.
Meares, Hadley. “The Real McDonald’s: The San Bernardino Origins of a Fast Food Empire.” KCET, Public Media Group of Southern California, August 5, 2016.
Thompson, Derek. “The Paradox of American Restaurants.” The Atlantic, June 20, 2017.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, America’s Eating Habits: Food Away From Home, by Michelle J. Saksena, Abigail M. Okrent, Tobenna D. Anekwe, Clare Cho, Christopher Dicken, Anne Effland, Howard Elitzak, Joanne Guthrie, Karen S. Hamrick, Jeffrey Hyman, Young Jo, Biing-Hwan Lin, Lisa Mancino, Patrick W. McLaughlin, Ilya Rahkovsky, Katherine Ralston, Travis A. Smith, Hayden Stewart, Jessica Todd, and Charlotte Tuttle, (September 2018),
White Castle Management Co.. “Our Story.” Accessed June 1, 2020.
CHAPTER 2: Current Status
“2018 Food and Health Survey.” International Food Information Council Foundation, 2018.
National Restaurant Association. “National Restaurant Association Unveils its Restaurant Industry 2030 Report.” Accessed June 1, 2020.
National Restaurant Association. “National Statistics.” Accessed June 1, 2020.
Reichheld, Ashley, Jeffrey Samotny, Oliver Page, and Stephanie Perrone Goldstein. “Through guests’ eyes.” Deloitte, Deloitte Development LLC., 2017.
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Spycefoodco. “Spyce - Robotic Restaurant by Four MIT Graduates in Collaboration with Chef Daniel Boulud.” May 3, 2018. Video, 2:29.
Terrell, Kenneth. “McDonald’s and AARP Team Up to Fill Jobs.” AARP, April 25, 2019.
CHAPTER 3: Adapting Intelligently
Fultz, Paul, Joel Rampoldt, and Dan Shaughnessy. “An Appetite for Change.” KPMG, KPMG L...
